Review of Ghostbusters: Answer the Call

Be forewarned, this is going to be a very positive review of the new Ghostbusters.


I fully expected the new Ghostbusters to disappoint me. I was ready to laugh a little bit and then cringe the whole time. I hadn’t read reviews but I had heard negative whispers whenever the movie was mentioned. I was pleasantly surprised. I walked out of the theater beaming and excited. That was the movie experience I had been missing in all other action movies. Let me explain why.

These four women leads gave me what I had been missing. Intelligence, well rounded personalities, practical fighting gear, and excellent acting. The comedy was on point and the excitement the ladies exuded over ghosts caught me up. I also absolutely loved that a love match was not the focus, it was actually about capturing ghosts. There were little nods to romance, but it was the focus like in many other female films.

This is not the same feel of old Ghostbusters, but there were nods to the old film that felt right and gave an air of respect. I don’t think they successfully recaptured the campy 80’s feel of the old film, but it was still delightful. The new film  is a classic in it’s own right.

I’ve heard many say that Chris Hemsworth was their favorite part of the film. I disagree. He was in fact my least favorite. The dumb, hunky assistant trope became a little much at times. It was a nice comic relief from time to time but in the end his scenes made me cringe.

There were a few other small things that made me cringe. There was a moment where the four women were called “girls”. That is always something that puts me over the edge. I don’t mind so much when the Ghostbusters were called ladies, but “girls” makes them seem infantile and inept.

I think the four actresses who played the leads were perfect for their roles. On the other hand I always like to see more diversity in film. Hopefully, this film opens the doors for more female led action comedies and a Ghostbusters sequel. As long as the public asks for it, Hollywood will deliver.


How did you feel about the film? Do you agree? Do you disagree?


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