Tag Archives: Support

The Gender Book

I was just scrolling through Facebook the other day and I came across an event my friend had joined. It’s for the launch of The Gender Book. It’s a fascinating book that encompasses all the different sides of gender. The creators worked for years doing surveys and interviewing people around the world. I ordered my book from Indiegogo (which is like kickstarter) and they need to raise $10,000 by the end of December. (They have already reached half of their needed amount) If they reach their goal they will send the books out in March. Check it out! Support Them!!

Shamelessly Promoting My Boyfriend’s Art


My boyfriend has, for the past two years, decided he wants to be a photographer, and I support him wholeheartedly.  So here I am shamelessly promoting him to strangers on WordPress.

To check out his photography page click here. If you like what you see please “like it” and “share it”, I would realllly love it if he got a lot more followers. He doesn’t have a lot of time to just go around doing photography because he has a delivery job for MAC, but the pictures he does have are really wonderful. I think he has real talent and will be in demand one day. (But maybe I’m just biased)